STRIKER – “Striker” (english)

Publication date: January 29th 2017


I have been watching these guys since their debut album, "Eyes In The Night", which gained my attention back in 2010. Seven years later, they release their 5th album, "Striker", and I have to admit that once again the Canadian heavy metallers offer us a great album, which reflects their career so far.


Let's start from the beginning, pointing out that Striker not only play heavy metal, but they have a lot of thrash metal, hair metal and hard rock influences in their songs. And I believe that this is the element that makes them stand out and even if they used these elements on this album, more than on the previous ones, they managed to combine them in a better way.


Once again, the professionalism and the attention that Striker pay in every part of every song, so as to not to have any unnecessary parts, is more than evident, and this way one can listen to their album very easily and pleasantly, without being bored. On the other hand, it isn't an album that goes unnoticed. They have very good solos and the continuous shredding along the excellent voice of the singer Dan Cleary, are the highlights of the album.


Even if all the songs are on the same level, I think that "Born To Lose", "Rock The Night" and "Curse Of The Dead", which makes you headbang all the time, are the best songs of this album.


To sum up, Striker, with their new album, continue their rising by doing what they know to do very well. They offer us a great heavy metal album with influences from other metal genres, but without losing their identity, which is the reason they stand out from the other bands.


Rating: 80/100


For Rock Overdose,

Konstantinos Sotirelis






