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MINISTRY on Rock Overdose: “The new record will be out this fall, it’s more atmospheric & it will surprise you!”

We are very honored to present you the interview that Sin Quirin, Ministry's guitarist and two times Grammy nominated, gave to Rock Overdose and to Konstantinos Sotirelis. Enjoy! [audio mp3="https://rockoverdose.gr/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Ministry-part1.mp3"][/audio] [audio mp3="https://rockoverdose.gr/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Ministry-part2.mp3"][/audio] [audio mp3="https://rockoverdose.gr/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Ministry-part3.mp3"][/audio]     Rock Overdose: Hello Sin! I’m Konstantinos, from Rock Overdose, for the interview. Ministry: Yes. How are you?   Rock Overdose: I’m very good! How are you? Ministry: Good!   Rock Overdose:...
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