Black Candy Store – Someday

Someday is the first video single of the Black Candy Store album "Back to the wall"!

Following the trace of bands like Soundgarden, Pearl Jam or Stone Temple Pilots, Black Candy Store hails from southern France. After finding the perfect rhythm section, and having selected 10 of their songs, the band recorded their first album. Back To The Wall was produced by the band and mastered by Dave Collins who has worked with well known bands like Linkin Park, Soundgarden, Ben Harper.

Bursting with tight rock grooves and rich melodies, Black Candy Store's music is a link between past and modern rock. Direct and efficient guitars and distinctive emotional vocals create a sound that builds on the tradition of rock, while establishing their own unique sound. BCS crafts their music by taking the impact of their life experiences to create new ideas, while the underlying sound of the tracks stays familiar and connects directly with the audience. Discover some of the songs of the album "Back To The Wall" on their myspace with stand out tracks like Someday, Recall or the catchy Wounded.

The band is continuing to grow artistically and hopes to break new ground as their music evolves to new artistic levels.

Im Alternative-Bereich gelang es bislang noch keiner Band aus dem französischen Nachbarland, auf sich aufmerksam zu machen. Black Candy Store könnte dieses Kunststück durchaus gelingen, denn mit dem Debüt "Back To The Wall" legt das Quintett eine interessante Mischung aus Pearl Jam, Stone Temple Pilots und etwas Soundgarden vor. Dabei sticht vor allem die klaren, warme Stimme von Sänger Arno heraus, der wie eine Mischung aus Geddy Lee und Arno Menses klingt.
Die Stücke sind ebenso eingängig wie dynamisch, und die Höhepunkte sind schön erarbeitet und gehen gut ins Ohr. Bei den Konstrukten wird variiert. Mal sind sie geradlinig und einprägsam, dann aber auch wieder mehr progressiver Natur mit mehreren Rhythmuswechseln. Und das Zusammenfügen unterschiedlich intensiver Abschnitte -- ein Markenzeichen des modernen Sounds -- gehört natürlich auch zum Repertoire der Nachwuchsrocker.
If you dig all things that the Seattle/Grunge revolution spurned, then you will love Black Candy Store's debut Back to the Wall. This a diverse and entertaining interpretation of that sound for the modern day.
Four still relatively young guys who have managed to record a very mature CD with the help of none other than Dave Collins (Soundgarden, Linkin Park). No suprise the album sounds really very good. Collins has succeeded in giving songs a heavy sound when it is needed, but also a beautiful clear sound in the more quiet and semi-acoustic tracks.

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