David Ellefson (MEGADETH) on Rock Overdose:’The industry is interested in whatever sells’

Releasing a true MEGADETH album (Dystopia), and giving concerts all around the world, David Ellefon talked to Rock Overdose about everything…
Here we go….


Rock Overdose: Hello David, and welcome to Rock Overdose. How are things going for Megadeth in 2016?

David Ellefson: Things are going really well. It’s been a happy new year.


Rock Overdose: Kiko Loureiro and Chris Adler are such a great musicians. Some people believe that they are the ideal members for Megadeth’s line-up. Do you agree?

David Ellefson: Yep, that’s why we chose them!

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Rock Overdose: Which new thrash metal band do you consider to be the most talented?

David Ellefson:HAVOK was out with on the last North American tour and they are really a great band. There are also two bands I signed to my EMP Label Group who I think are terrific as well: ARISE IN CHAOS and GREEN DEATH.


Rock Overdose:Do you receive any feedback for the Metal Allegiance project?

David Ellefson: Yes, all the time from fans around the world. I think we made a really fun album, which is also very authentic. You can feel it when you listen to it. The live shows are always rotating members so that keeps it fresh as well. It’s a fun group and certainly has it’s place in the metal hierarchy.

Dave Ellefson Megadeth εχωφυλλο

Rock Overdose: Are you planning to tour with Metal Allegiance?

David Ellefson: It’s difficult to tour for very long with it but we find these small windows of time for about a week, or so, that work really well. Most everyone is in other bands so the time commitment has be kept short in order to make it work, but we find a way that makes it fun for us and the fans.


Rock Overdose: Do you believe that music industry is still interested in thrash metal bands?

David Ellefson: The industry is interested in whatever sells. But, as an artist, I think we’ve proven that Thrash has a massive global fan base and we will play it one way or another, and however we can take it out to our fans. I’d say right now it’s in a pretty healthy state worldwide.


Rock Overdose: Which was your favorite metal album in 2016 till now?

David Ellefson: Aside from “Dystopia”, the new ANTHRAX album “For All Kings” is great! I’m excited for the new DEATH ANGEL album, too.


Rock Overdose: Do you compose any new music?

David Ellefson: Composing comes and goes in it’s own seasons and is not something that I force. I’ll sit around the house, or backstage, and pick up a guitar and crank out some little bits. If I like what I hear, I record it and hang on to it. If not, I just put the instrument down and don’t sweat it.


Rock Overdose: Which is your advice to new musicians? How difficult is it for a new formed metal band to make a great career in the worldwide music scene?

David Ellefson: If you want to just get together and make music, then do it for the enjoyment of it. But, if you want to be serious about a music career, then you have to be completely focused on your cause because it requires 100% devotion and commitment. As the saying goes, “if it were easy, everyone would be doing it!” definitely applies.

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Rock Overdose: Please tell us your opinion about metal and religion.

David Ellefson: I don’t really have an opinion other than you can have both, or neither. The idea that somehow you have to be Satanist or a Saint is irrelevant, in my opinion.


Rock Overdose: Are there any other news to reveal through this interview?

David Ellefson: Lately I’ve been so busy with the record label EMP Label Group, Ellefson Coffee Company and other new ventures that they have been the force of my creative fires. It’s fun to do new things these days, things that are relational with the fans , the music lifestyle, but in some new arenas.

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Rock Overdose: Megadeth return to Greece once again. Do we have to expect something special from you ?

David Ellefson: I’m personally really looking forward to it! I love Greece and the people of your fine country. The summer time is such a terrific season to be with you all. It should be awesome, as always!


Rock Overdose: If you want just send a message to your fans in Greece and to everyone who will read this interview.

David Ellefson: I hope you come out to see the new MEGADETH show as it’s a whole new set, song list and show. See you then!
