Interview with THUNDERMAKER.

Swedish project Thundermaker, present their vision on their latest album, "The Road", released in 2021 via Sliptrick Records.

Read below our interview.


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RockOverdose: Can you tell us about the concept behind your latest album, "The Road," and what inspired its creation?

THUNDERMAKER: The concept is about relationships and the way people treat each other. It was inspired by people who treat each other badly and the ones You see almost daily. The most part is inspired by the twin flame journey which is a journey of two souls that's been separated since birth. So it deals with relationships an different forms.


RockOverdose: How would you describe the evolution of your sound and style since your formation in 2013?

THUNDERMAKER: The sound I think has stayed almost the same, guitarwise at least. As for the songs themselves, they surely have evolved from a very basic form in 2013 to a more symphonic and progressive shape in last album the Road.


RockOverdose: What were some of the biggest challenges or milestones you encountered while working on "The Road"?

THUNDERMAKER: Some big challenges when it came to people I trusted and abandoned the album half way through, so it was a very demanding journey to listen to myself and rreally follow my heart. To believe in Your own stuff is quite hard when some people, more experienced than You, are just looking for a way to earn money and put their stamp on it. It's always easier to put a young musician down as he has not that much experience. If You're a big name, Your effort is more forgiven. That's something I've learned when doing this record and I think it's something that's quite well spread throughout the industry unfortunately. So all in all, everyone had made a good job except for us, that's what I was told. I'm so proud I persevered and stood my ground.


RockOverdose: How does your Swedish background and culture influence your music and lyrics?

THUNDERMAKER: I haven't really though about that actually. I'm mostly inspired by japanese music and soundtracks, but my early days of listening to bands like Twisted Sister, Dio and Black Sabbath of course shines through I guess. As for my swedish background, not sure.


RockOverdose: Are there any particular tracks on "The Road" that hold significant meaning to you or the band? Why?

THUNDERMAKER: The song "A Twin Flame Journey" and the song "1111" holds a very special meaning to me as they're two songs that deals with the main topic in a more melodic and deep way.


RockOverdose: Can you share any interesting stories or experiences from the recording or production process of the album?

THUNDERMAKER: The most interesting part of this album was it started out in a very negative and dark view on things. As time progressed, I evolved as a person since I found my Twin Flame and that really turned the album into a more positive way. From darker songs like "Where Sorrow Dwells" where the main character couldn't see any light, to a song like "Fire Burns Forever" which is about how Your love for your Twin Flame will never die. The emotions in this album was very apparent when recording the songs. A verry fond memory was to get in contact with L-G Petrov (Entombed A.D, Entombed), as he was a vert down to earth and cool guy to work with. He did an awesome job and I miss him.


RockOverdose: As a Heavy Metal band, what message or emotions do you aim to convey through your music?

THUNDERMAKER: Trying to spread a positive vibe through the songs and a way for people to follow their hearts and believe in themselves. It's the mmost important part. Even though people ddon't listen to lyrics that much nowadays, I believe they're just as important as the music. As for the solos, I see them as an extenssion of the vocals so really try to have some emotional and melodic feel to them.


RockOverdose: How has the reception been for "The Road" so far? Have you noticed any particular fan favorites or standout tracks?

THUNDERMAKER: The reception has been fantastic! it was actually quite unexpected. The fans really seem to like the tracks "The Road" and "Fire burns Forever". They both seem to do really well and I recieve a lot of praise almost daily, especially for the title track "The Road".


RockOverdose: What kind of live experience can fans expect from a THUNDERMAKER show? Any notable upcoming performances or tours?

THUNDERMAKER: Live perfomances are vey difficult for Us to put on as they involve a lot of money. So we haven't done any shows yet due to this fact. We mostly work with people overseas so we have to provide them with hotels, travel costs etc, and those costs wouuld be huge. That's why we haven't done any shows. Yet. I'mm not closing any doors as I really want to, but it has to be just right and in the right way.


RockOverdose: As a band that has been active for nearly a decade, how do you stay motivated and continue to create new music?

THUNDERMAKER: It can certainly be hard sometimes as other things might drain you from Your enegy but seeing what You have built up in 10 years, makes me going. Without music everything would be pointless. As soon as I get up every day, I think of things I wouuld like to do and which direction I'm going to take etc. Those thoughts are with me throughout the day until I go to bed, then repeat. All positive feedback and amazing artists helps a whole lot to stay inspired. I dare say that some joins Us due to the fact that we sound a little different.


RockOverdose: Lastly, what's on the horizon for THUNDERMAKER? Are there any exciting projects or goals you're working towards in the near future?

THUNDERMAKER: A new album is in the works and 4 songs are 100% completed with vocals. Just waiting for some new artists to put their stamp on some songs. It may take a while as I've decided to wait until the right people is in place and people I want to work with. The goals are to work with even bigger atists and to make a bigger impact globally.
Thanks for having me! it's was a lot of fun answering the questions!

