LIZZY BORDEN interview @ Rock Overdose!

Rock Overdose and Antonis "Jk" Katsaros contucted an interview  with LIZZY, frontman of the legendary band LIZZY BORDEN.

ENJOY! Most metal fans are familiar with the band Lizzy Borden, but for some reason, you have always been relegated as an “underground” band. Do you feel that it has something to do with the fact that the band never compromised and chose a defined side of the fence to sit on, be it the glam/hair metal side or the traditional heavy metal side?

Lizzy: Most definitely, It's easier for people to comprehend when they can define you And lump you in with everyone else. I never wanted to be told what to do by anyone, I never even joined a band, I started a band. But on the other hand most promoters put thrash bands with the thrash bands and glam bands with glam bands, a lot of the time that leaves us out in the cold all alone. it's easier to pick a side but it's always been me against the world, I don't feel I should have to compromise, but there's a price to pay for that way of thinking. Something that has become a staple of the Lizzy Borden sound is the sing-along anthem. Every album has at least one. What importance do you see in keeping that tradition alive?

Lizzy: I didn't invent the rock anthem but I love to write them, There's something about watching a group of people sing words that you have written, it creates a connection and turns an ordinary night into magic. But I think when you write a song like that it should mean something, A lot of the times the songs are very simple, But most of the time they mean everything. Another thing that reoccurs with Lizzy Borden is this sense of patriotism. At one point, even your logo contained the American flag. What is the story behind that?

Lizzy: One of the first anthems that I wrote was a song called American metal, I wrote it about the Hollywood scene in the early 80s. at the time it was mostly English bands making all the noise, I wanted to write a song that was ours. since then it's become kind of a universal anthem, No matter where I'm at in the world, every show, every country we play, everyone screams American metal. . It's no longer just an American theme, . It's a uniting song, . It brings us all together under one banner, and I have no idea how that happened it just did. But that is where the American themed logo came from. You have had this band on and off since the early 1980’s. How has your approach to your music changed over the years?

Lizzy: almost every record that we have done we have done a different kind of way, some albums I have written everything, other records I have collaborated on the music with one or two guys in the band, and still other records we write all the music altogether. I have written all the lyrics and all the melodies for every Lizzy Borden song, but the music end of things usually tends to be a collaborative effort. At this point I'm writing a lot of stuff on my own like I did for Master of disguise and deal with the devil, but I really love to write with other people and hope to continue doing more of that. 4 years passed since your last album. Are you planning a new one?

Lizzy: Yes, The last record appointment with death Was, I thought a good record. it was a record that was influenced by lizzy Borden, by the back catalog. to me, it was us going full circle. . I don't think we ever made two records that sound alike, but for the next one I do want to step outside and do something challenging, something that people won't expect. that's what I did on master of disguise and it became our biggest selling record. . It's also a very different world now, . I'm no longer looking for a beginning middle and ending to record, . I'm more interested in writing 10 individually great songs. So far the new songs are coming out great, I can't wait for everyone to hear them. Would you like to tell us your impressions of the live show here in Greece, and any funny, or unexpected event?

Lizzy: So far I believe we have played three shows in Greece On three  different tours. On our death takes a holiday tour Our agent told us not to do the show Because of your economic problems over there, But I said that is when they need us most! We have made so many great friends over there that I can't imagine Greece not being a regular stop on every Lizzy Borden tour. We've had so much fun at every show and your women are drop dead gorgeous ha ha! I feel we've made a connection with the fans over there, I think they know we give everything we have And I think they appreciate that. You've toured the world. Is there anywhere left you haven't played live that you would still like to get to?

Lizzy: Well, In the 80s we mostly concentrated on the United States, But since then we have been making up for lost time. There is still lots of places for us to conquer and explore. We have our sights on South America and Australia At the moment. But Europe is still our number one focus, We hope to come back at least once or twice a year, summer and winter. Are live shows like yours becoming a lost art?

Lizzy: For a long time I thought it was, But I think now more and more bands are Starting to understand what the stage is for.  I think pop stars are starting to push the boundaries because they have all the money And that's starting to rub off on rock And I love it and can't wait to see Who emerges As the next great performer. Any regrets in your music career?

Lizzy: of course, you can't be around for almost 30 years and not have regrets. but you live and learn and at this point I am very proud of what I can control, all the other stuff is in the hands of the gods. Who were some bands from that scene/era that you thought would be huge but never made it, and vice versa?

Lizzy: I saw shark island once and thought the singer was going to be the next Steven Tyler. Most of the bands that made it off the strip took a while to get good, the potential was not always obvious in some of the bands that went on to be huge around the world. Anything else you'd like to add?

Lizzy: Yes, I just want to say to all our friends and fans in Greece That we can't wait to see you all again. We give you everything we have and you always turn around and give it right back, I love you to pieces. See you soon, lizzy

Lizzy Borden

