RockOverdose and Zisis Petkanas had the chance to chat with Ralf Scheepers lead vocalist of the German heavy metal band Primal Fear, on their new release "I will be gone" ft. Tarja Turunen and their latest album "Metal Commando" and much more.
Ralf Scheepers shares momments from his careers as well as his memories from Greece and he doesn't hesitate to speak in Greek expressing this way his great bonds with the greek metalheads!
Read and listen below our friendly chat!
RockOverdose: Hi Ralf! How are you these days?
Ralf Scheepers (PRIMAL FEAR): I'm fine thanks! How about you?
RockOverdose: What about this strange period with the pandemic situation?
Ralf Scheepers (PRIMAL FEAR): Yeah, it's not easy for everybody, we are on the same boat. Many people have to struggle a lot, we also do with music cause we can't play live. That's why we chosed to released a candy for our fans out there. For instance with the EP we released "I will be gone", it's all we can do now - to release stuff. We couldn't tour with Metal Commando and we miss it of course and let's hope we will be able to tour soon.
RockOverdose: Yes, it was really strange and a pity that you had a new album and you couldn't promote it by playing it live on tour!
Ralf Scheepers (PRIMAL FEAR): That's right!
RockOverdose: So, you released a new video clip together with Tarja! Would you like to tell as about it?
Ralf Scheepers (PRIMAL FEAR): It wasn't that easy to do it, cause we couldn't travel or be in the same room with other people, we recorded it seperatelly. Tarja did the same at another studio in another country. So the two recordings were attached together in the end. I hope people like it.
RockOverdose: Are you planning to do any other cooperations with other musicians?
Ralf Scheepers (PRIMAL FEAR): So far not. It's always interesting to do something together with other musicians of course. This idea with Tarja came up last summer to keep the interest of the fans alive. We are really proud about that song.
RockOverdose: What about the 5-track single you released?
Ralf Scheepers (PRIMAL FEAR): Yeah. The three other songs are already as bonus tracks in album "Metal Commando" special issue. "Leave me alone" and "Second to none" were already released, "Rising Fear" as well. "I Will Be Gone" was supposed to be on the main album "Metal Commando" but there were so many tracks, so we decided to release it as special candy.
RockOverdose: Are you planning to release a new album soon?
Ralf Scheepers (PRIMAL FEAR): We are working always, everybody is collecting new stuff but so far nothing is scheduled because we don't know the situation will be. As you know we still want to tour with "Metal Commando", and as long as we did not that we can't do plans for a new album yet.
RockOverdose: What about the feedback that you have from your last album "Metal Commando"?
Ralf Scheepers (PRIMAL FEAR): We are really happy about the feedback under those circumstances, in America, Europe and Japan, the fans feedback is great. The problem is that you can't go out and do the shows of course. Anyway, we are really happy about it, there was a great efford from everybody.
RockOverdose: That's great! Primal Fear ιs one of my favorite bands. What are your memories from our country, Greece?
Ralf Scheepers (PRIMAL FEAR): "Agapao tous Ellines" - ( (speaks in greek) - I love Greek people, because I have some personal background with Greece anyway back to the years with Gamma Ray, when we did shows in Athens and Thessaloniki. I also have some Greek friends here in Germany. I really like your country very much, it's always great to go there, because there're also great metalheads there! Last time I've been there with Gus G. and had an amazing time again. It always proves that it worths to come to Greece anytime, to play any kind of music.
RockOverdose: Are you planning to release any other solo album as you did once?
Ralf Scheepers (PRIMAL FEAR): At the momment I'm not really on negotiations about it, you know that I'm not the only composer for my solo album. I never say never, we will see what happens. Everybody is so busy with their own stuff at the momment.
RockOverdose: What was the fact that made you to become a vocalist?
Ralf Scheepers (PRIMAL FEAR): I was inspired by other bands like AC/DC and other bands. When I was a boy they told me that I had a great voice, of course I knew that I maybe can sing but I never considered that I would be in a band as first of all I played the guitar and then I tried the microphone, sounded well and I thought why not be a singer as well. I'm happy that I did that.
RockOverdose: What are your memories from the Gamma Ray era?
Ralf Scheepers (PRIMAL FEAR): Great! This was the first big step in the world of touring and making album. My first great step as a musician. It was great to work with Kai and the other members Gamma Ray. It was a really fabulous time for me! We did last year a Live Streaming show in Düsseldorf, Germany, which we want to repeat but I don't think it's going to happen soon. To be really honest, streaming shows are not really what a musician wants. Better than nothing but we really want to have people back, whether it is for Gamma Ray or Primal Fear, Helloween or whoever! We want to play live for the people!
RockOverdose: Did it happen for Kai to ask you again to re-join the band?
Ralf Scheepers (PRIMAL FEAR): Yeah! It was I think in 2015 that I jumbed the stage together and did some shows! It was great to see the team again and share the same feeling that we had 30 years ago!!!
RockOverdose: Do you believe that there's a chance in the future you may release together with Gamma Ray a new album ?
Ralf Scheepers (PRIMAL FEAR): I don't think is going to be as a member. I mean, Kai is also a member of Helloween and Gamma Ray so far. They have a vocalist, Frank Beck is their vocalist. My priority is Primal Fear of course but I never say never. I'm open for everything, even if they ask me to sing on some tracks.
RockOverdose: Have you listened the new Helloween song?
Ralf Scheepers (PRIMAL FEAR): I've heard the entire album! It's great, really amazing! People are going to love it!
RockOverdose: It's great that the band is together again! Kai, Michael Kiske...
Ralf Scheepers (PRIMAL FEAR): Absolutely! The fans are going to love it!
RockOverdose: Which momment do you consider as the best momment in your entire career?
Ralf Scheepers (PRIMAL FEAR): That's a tough question because there are so many great momments in my career. Of course one of the best momments is when you play in front of thousand people in festivals e.g. in Sao Paolo, Brazil. It was really amazing! And then of course everytime you release an album and get feedback from the fans. It's the entire picture which all these momments make in the end.
RockOverdose: Who is your favorite singer?
Ralf Scheepers (PRIMAL FEAR): I was inspired by Rob Halford of course and I also like the voice of Geoff Tate. All these guys that stood up during the 80's gave me the inspiration to do what I do.
RockOverdose: Did you make any audition for a great band but you didn't make it to join the band?
Ralf Scheepers (PRIMAL FEAR): I didn't make any audition but I was in the running for the spot, when Rob was out from Judas Priest.
RockOverdose: Would you like to leave a message to the Greek fans?
Ralf Scheepers (PRIMAL FEAR): Oh yes! "Agapao tous Ellines" again - (I love greeks!) ! Whenever is possible to come back there I'd love to go again! I still remember the shows in Athens and Thessaloniki! It's always great to go there any time!
RockOverdose: Are there any other news you'd like to reveal through this interview?
Ralf Scheepers (PRIMAL FEAR): No news that aren't somehow already known. As I said we are looking for some candies, maybe we will release another single, we seek for what we can do now that we can't play live. We will see.
RockOverdose: It was really nice to chat with you. Thank you very much for your time! Close the interview with a Greek word!
Ralf Scheepers (PRIMAL FEAR): Thank you too Zisis!
"Kalitera katholou na min pantrefteis!" (translation: It's better not to get married! )
Agapao tous Ellines, Ego den eimai sto spiti, tilefonise mou akomi mia fora afise to minima stin kaseta tou tilefonou... | That was in my answer machine during the 90's! (translation: I love Greeks! I'm not in the house, please call again - leave a message to the answering machine")