Nicola (HANDFUL OF HATE) interview at Rock Overdose

Rock Overdose and Nick Yngve, travels to our neighbors in Italy and grabs the chance to talk with Nicola, the founding member/guitarist/vocalist of the black metal band HANDFUL OF HATE. The band was formed in 1993 and up to now, they have released several albums and EP's. Read below what Nicola told us about the band's future plans and lot more... Hello Nicola and welcome to Rock Overdose. Let’s begin, by telling us a few words about the band so everyone can know you.

Nicola: Handful Of Hate was created in 1993 by me and during almost 20 years we have released 5 albums, 2 EP's and one mcd. One demo also of course and some compilations. First cd we released was “Qliphothic Supremacy” in 1997, followed by “Hierarchy” (1999). In 2003 we signed a deal with Code666 Records and “ViceCrown” album took form. In 2006 “Gruesome Splendour” was spread for Cruz Del Sur Music and in 2009 “You Will Bleed”, our last chapter, was released for the same label. What’s happening in the band these days? Any news to share?

Nicola: We recently signed for Code666 Records. They offered us another deal after the surprising good results of the previous album we released together (“ViceCrown”, 2003) and we're actually working on new songs. The album is scheduled for the second part of 2013 in honor of 20 years of activity. Your last album, was “You Will Bleed” and it was released in 2009. After that there was a break/split up for the band. Why did that happen?

Nicola: No split-up occurred. We changed the drummer one year later, cause he was no more interested to play this kind of music and the bass player was kicked out during the recording sessions. It's quite common in our activity to change musicians. Here is almost impossible to find motivated people lasting in time. Maybe it's my fault, cause I'm so bossy but there's no other way… I like to be concrete and to work hard, Handful Of Hate need a leader. So now you’re back again. What should we wait from you? Did any changes occur during this break?

Nicola: We continued to play live around Europe after the release of “You Will Bleed”. This is what we're doing right now too, but at the same time we work on new songs. The new album is coming forth really extreme and blasting, so we need to take a lot of care of each song's frame and arrangements. You are an old band, created in 1993. Was it hard to reach the point you are now?

Nicola: I think we're still a pretty unknown underground band. It has been hard to survive… Too many problems occurred and had to face a lot of bad standings from labels, promoters, gigs, band members and so on. I have been strong and coherent that's all. What inspired you to form the band back in the day? What was/are you influences?

Nicola: Noways no band inspires me, but I like a lot of bands. When I started, there was a lot of death Metal bands and few black metal ones. I don't like to list historical bands, but of course my influences are from VENOM, SLAYER and BATHORY to MORBID ANGEL, SARCOFAGO, BLASPHEMY and so on. You have changed a lot of band members throughout your existence. Why did that happened? Do you search for a specific way of thinking or was something else?

Nicola: I only search for coherent people with a strong will to play this kind of music and to work for the band. I don't like minds that change each year and I don’t like unprofessional musicians. I know it's hard to deal with me, but if you're honest with me (Handful Of Hate) and you keep your promises there are no problems. You have been in Greece once for a gig. What are your thoughts about it? Any plans to see you here again?

Nicola: We played in Greece twice: First one was in Athens (2007) and second one was in Patra (2010). I really like your country and hopefully in 2013 we'll play there one more time so stay in contact and keep updated through the band page. Do you know any Greek bands or musicians?

Nicola: Sure! I have some friends there and some years ago I shared the stage with bands like: ROTTING CHRIST, SEPTIC FLESH, DEVATHORN, OBDUKTION… At the same time, my respect goes to great bands like ASTARTE, NECROMANTIA, VARATHRON, KAWIR and to mighty Alex and Metal Defiance stuff! How is the black metal scene in Italy? Of course you have the Mighty MORTUARY DRAPE, NECRODEATH, NECROMASS and KAISERREICH… all together along with you of course, you are holding the banner up high! To speak the truth though, Italy is a more power metal country. How do you manage?

Nicola: Maybe you're right but I think that power metal bands are everywhere. I'm not into this kind of music, so I don't know about the Italian scene except few names. I advice you to check death metal bands too here. There are very good and promising ones. What can we find you listening to these days? Any releases that caught your interest?

Nicola: I'm actually listening a lot of black and death metal bands. I got impressed by the last chapters from MARDUK, ENTHRONED and ORIGIN. At the same time I like to listen to new bands from each corner of the world. Nicola thank you very much for the interview. You can send any message you want to your fans! 

Nicola: Thank you for support, I really hope next year to play live in Greece once again so stay tuned and horns up!


Nick yngve
